A Length versus height of left valves and microscope photographs of L. inopinata from A-8 stage to adult B Plot demonstrating the growth ratio elements KL and KH of L. inopinata from A-8 stage to adult. KL = Lm+1 / Lm, KH = Hm+1 / Hm, where KL and KH are growth ratios of mean length and height, Lm and Hm are respectively mean length and height at stage m, and Lm+1 and Hm+1 are respectively mean length and height at stage m+1. The black line suggests a growth ratio of 1.26, the value predicted by Brooks’ rule. All individuals are from the indoor bioculture laboratory.

  Part of: Wang C, Wang H, Kuang X, Guo G (2021) Life stages and morphological variations of Limnocythere inopinata (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Lake Jiang-Co (northern Tibet): a bioculture experiment. ZooKeys 1011: 25-40. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1011.56065