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Article title
Materials and methods
Type material (Fig. )
Non-type material (Fig. )
Identified by as Lampetra japonica japonica
Identified by as La. j. kessleri
Identified by as La. j. septentrionalis
Supplementary topotype material of La. j. septentrionalis (Fig. )
Original description of Petromyzon marinus camtschaticus Tilesius, 1811: 240–247, pl. IX, figs I, II
Original description of Petromyzon japonicus von Martens, 1868: 3–5, pl. I, fig. 2
Original description of Petromyzon kessleri Anikin, 1905: 10–15
Original description of Lampetra japonica septentrionalis Berg, 1931: 93, 100–102, pl. V, fig. 4
Original description of Petromyzon ernstii Dybowski, 1872: 220
Original description of Petromyzon dentex Anikin, 1905: 15–17
Original description of Ammocoetes aureus Bean, 1881: 159
Original description of Lampetra mitsukurii Hatta, 1901: 22–24
Original descriptions of Lampetra mitsukurii minor Hatta, 1911: 263–266, 268, pl. IX, figs 3, 4, 7, 8 and La. m. major Hatta, 1911: 266–268, pl. IX, figs 1, 2, 5, 6
Original description of Lethenteron matsubarai Vladykov & Kott, 1978: 1792–1800
One or multiple species
Lethenteron species with exolaterals
Petromyzon japonicus, a synonym of P. marinus camtschaticus
Identity of the lamprey in Steller’s unpublished manuscript
Lampetra japonica septentrionalis not derived from La. fluviatilis
Lampetra japonica septentrionalis, a synonym of Petromyzon japonicus
Petromyzon ernstii, a synonym of Lethenteron camtschaticum
Variability in the infraoral lamina dentition of Le. camtschaticum
Real or perceived distributional discontinuity between the populations of parasitic Le. camtschaticum in Russia
Adult total length attained by Le. kessleri
Variability in the dentition of Le. kessleri
Lethenteron kessleri without posterials
Identity of lampreys in the Utkholok River drainage, Kamchatka
Identity of lampreys in the Kol’ River drainage, Kamchatka
Identity of lampreys in the Lake Azabach’e basin, Kamchatka
Ammocoetes aureus, a synonym of Le. camtschaticum
Lethenteron alaskense, a synonym of Le. kessleri
Lethenteron kessleri distinct from Le. reissneri
Lethenteron reissneri present in the Angara River drainage, Russia
Lethenteron mitsukurii distinct from Le. kessleri and Le. reissneri
Identity of the lamprey from Siberia described in
Lethenteron matsubarai, a synonym of Le. mitsukurii
Taxonomic identity of Lampetra mitsukurii minor and La. m. major
Lethenteron mitsukurii not the spawning phase of Le. camtschaticum
Sympatric parasitic and nonparasitic taxa
Taxonomic identity of nonparasitic lampreys in Japan and Sakhalin Island, Russia with low trunk myomere counts
Synonymy of Lethenteron camtschaticum (Tilesius, 1811), the Arctic lamprey
Synonymy of Lethenteron mitsukurii (Hatta, 1901), the Japanese brook lamprey
Synonymy of Lethenteron kessleri (Anikin, 1905), the Siberian brook lamprey
Partial synonymy of Lethenteron reissneri (Dybowski, 1869), the Far Eastern brook lamprey based on this study
Generic assignment of Lampetra (Eudontomyzon) morii
Taxonomic key to adults of Lethenteron
Phylogenetic considerations
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