Bionomics of new species. 15 Astrotischeria jociui sp. nov., host plant Wissadula excelsior (Cav.) C. Presl., Malvaceae 16 same, habitat, elevation 2160 m, near Machu Picchu, Urubamba Province, Peru 17, 18 same, leaf mines on Wissadula excelsior 19 Paratischeria suprafasciata sp. nov., host plant Allophylus edulis (A. St.-Hil., A. Juss. & Cambess.) Hieron. ex Niederl., Sapindaceae 20 leaf mine with a pupa 21 leaf mine with a feeding larva.

  Part of: Stonis JR, Diškus A, Remeikis A, Solis MA, Katinas L (2020) Exotic-looking Neotropical Tischeriidae (Lepidoptera) and their host plants. ZooKeys 970: 117-158.