Tedania (Tedania) ecuadoriensis sp. nov. A holotype in situ (CENAIM 150813EP01-05) B transverse section of ectosomal and choanosomal skeletal architecture C ectosomal tylotes D detail of terminally microspined terminations of ectosomal tylotes E choanosomal styles F detail of the bases of choanosomal styles G large onychaetes H–I small onychaetes. Scale-bars: 2 cm (A); 500 µm (B); 50 µm (C, E, G–H); 10 µm (D, F, I).

  Part of: Jaramillo KB, Cóndor-Luján B, Longakit B, Rodriguez J, Thomas OP, McCormack G, Hajdu E (2021) New records of Demospongiae (Porifera) from Reserva Marina El Pelado (Santa Elena, Ecuador), with description of Tedania (Tedania) ecuadoriensis sp. nov. ZooKeys 1011: 101-120. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1011.54485