Macrogena brevisensilla sp. n., dissected adult, microscope images: 14 rostrum, dorsal view 15 medio-basal part of prodorsum and medio-anterior part of notogaster 16 notogastral porose area Aa and seta la17 microporose in medial part of notogaster 18 right parts of subcapitular mentum and epimere I 19 rostral and lamellar setae 20 custodium and discidium 21 genital plates 22 ventral teeth on leg II (left, antiaxial view). Scale bar 20 µm.

  Part of: Ermilov SG, Minor MA (2015) The oribatid mite genus Macrogena (Acari, Oribatida, Ceratozetidae), with description of two new species from New Zealand. ZooKeys 506: 13-26.