Holotype of Zeugophora (Pedrillia) trifasciata sp. nov., male genitalia 62 median lobe and median struts, lateral view 63 median lobe, dorsal view 64 tegmen, dorsal view 65 spiculum, dorsal view 66 sclerotized area of endophallus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (62, 64); 0.2 mm (63, 65, 66).

  Part of: Li K-Q, Liang H-B (2020) Four new species and two new records of genus Zeugophora (Coleoptera, Megalopodidae, Zeugophorinae) from China. ZooKeys 975: 51-78. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.975.53472