Comparison of Gymnocheta spp. male terminalia A lateral view of the terminalia: i G. lucida ii G. magna iii G. viridis and iv G. zhelochovtsevi – note the apical hook of the syncercus B dorsal view of the terminalia: i G. lucida ii G. magna iii G. viridis and iv G. zhelochovtsevi, same specimen as in Fig. 4C C aedeagus and gonites of i G. lucida ii G. magna iii G. viridis and iv G. zhelochovtsevi. Abbreviations: bph–basiphallus; dph–distiphallus; prg–pregonite; pog–postgonite. All photographs by J. Pohjoismäki.

  Part of: Pohjoismäki J, Bergström C (2021) Review of the Nordic Gymnocheta Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera, Tachinidae) with report of two species new to Europe. ZooKeys 1053: 145-184.