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Australia, Queensland, Garradunga, Polly Creek, photo courtesy of Jack Hasenpusch. Lowland mesophyll vine forest, habitat where Phyllium monteithi has been recorded.

Dorsal view of the known species within the Phyllium (Walaphyllium), scaled to relative size to show the size differences between species A Phyllium zomproi female, Coll SLT B Phyllium zomproi male, Coll RC 17-336 C Phyllium monteithi female dorsal, Coll RC 16-067 D Phyllium monteithi male dorsal, Coll SLT E Phyllium lelantos holotype male,

Distribution map for the known species of Phyllium (Walaphyllium) between Papua New Guinea and Australia.

Phyllium zomproi wing venation, showing the venation present in the Phyllium (Walaphyllium) A female tegmina, Coll RC 18-175 B male tegmina, Coll RC 17-336 C male alae, Coll RC 17-336.

Phyllium zomproi. A female, profemora and protibia, dorsal, Coll RC 18-277 B male, profemora and protibia, dorsal, Coll RC 17-336 C female, genitalia, ventral, Coll RC 18-277 D male, genitalia, ventral, Coll RC 17-336.

Phyllium zomproi. A female, head through thorax, dorsal, Coll RC 18-277 B male, head through thorax, dorsal, Coll RC 17-336 C female, antennae, dorsal, Coll SLT D female, lateral, head through thorax, Coll RC 18-277 E male, lateral, head through thorax, Coll RC 17-336.

Phyllium monteithi. A female, profemora and protibia, dorsal B male, profemora and protibia, dorsal C female, genitalia, ventral D male, genitalia, ventral E female, thorax, dorsal F male, thorax, dorsal. All specimens, Coll SLT.

Live male Phyllium monteithi, Coll JHT. A full body, dorsal B detail of profemora, head, and thorax, dorsal view C detail of antennae and head, lateral view D genitalia detail, ventral view.

SEM image of female Phyllium monteithi antennae, Coll JHT. A full antenna B details of the stridulatory file of the third antennomere C antennomere III in full. Abbreviations: sf = stridulatory file; sr = stridulatory ridge.

Known eggs for the Phyllium (Walaphyllium). A–D P. zomproi, (Coll RC 19-161) A lateral B dorsal C ventral D opercular (anterior) E–H P. monteithi, (Coll RC 17-289) E lateral F dorsal G ventral H opercular (anterior).

Phyllium (Walaphyllium) monteithi recently emerged first instar nymph showing the unique coloration which may be present in the other members of this new subgenus. Photographs courtesy of Bruno Kneubühler. A dorsolateral view B dorsal view.

Phyllium lelantos sp. nov. holotype male,

Phyllium lelantos sp. nov. holotype male. A head and thorax, dorsal B front leg, protibiae and profemora, dorsal C genitalia, ventral D thorax, lateral view.