Morphometric analyses results. A) Females boxplots and PCA for WC, TLE, and BD morphometric characters. B) Males boxplot and PCA for WC, TLE, and BD morphometric characters. C) Boxplot and PCA for TL, BL, and BW. WC, TLE, and BD characters were analyzed by separated sex, because the analyses indicated sexual dimorphism (see results and Table 3). Bill length (BL, from the upper base of the bill to the tip of the upper mandible), bill width (BW), bill depth (BD, from the upper mandible to the base of the bill at the distal edge of the nostrils), wing chord (WC, distance from the carpal joint the tip of the longest primary), tarsus length (TL), and tail length (TLE, distance from the uropygial gland to the tip of the longest rectrix).