Imagery source: Blue Marble Next Generation (true-color), Web Map Service (WMS) layer from CREAF MAP SERVER (open-gis), EPSG: 4326. A Records of Cheloniidae, Dipsadidae and Viperidae. Green dot: Chelonia mydas; light blue dot: Erythrolamprus sagittifer sagittifer; magenta dot: Phalotris bilineatus; red dots: Bothrops ammodytoides; orange dots: Oxyrhopus rhombifer; black dots: Pseudotomodon trigonatus; blue dots: Philodryas patagoniensis; yellow dots: P. trilineata; grey dots: Tachymenis chilensis B Records of lizards. Black dots: Amphisbaena plumbea; light blue dot: A. kingii; red dot: Aurivela longicauda; magenta dots: Diplolaemus bibronii; blue dots: D. darwinii; orange dots: D. sexcinctus; yellow dots: Leiosaurus bellii; green dots: Pristidactylus nigroiugulus C Records of Homonota darwinii D Records of some Liolaemus species. Blue dots: Liolaemus bibronii; red dots: L. boulengeri E Records of some Liolaemus species. Magenta dots: Liolaemus camarones; black dots: L. canqueli; green dots: L. chehuachekenk; orange dots: L. darwinii; light blue dots: L. elongatus; yellow dots: L. fitzingerii; blue dots: L. gracilis; white dots: L. shehuen F Records of some Liolaemus species. Light blue dots: Liolaemus kingii; red dot: L. kriegi; yellow dots: L. lineomaculatus; green dots: L. melanops; magenta dots: L. morandae; blue dots: L. petrophilus G Records of some Liolaemus species. Magenta dots: Liolaemus pictus argentinus; orange dots: L. rothi; green dots: L. senguer; yellow dot: L. somuncurae; light blue dots: L. telsen; blue dots: L. uptoni; red dots: L. xanthoviridis H Records of Phymaturus species. Red dots: Phymaturus calcogaster; white dot: P. camilae; green dot: P. castillensis; blue dot: P. felixi; yellow dots: P. indistinctus; light blue dots: P. patagonicus; orange dots: P. somuncurensis; magenta dot: P. videlai.