Details of wings and habitus of Amphibolips species A habitus of Amphibolips near fusus from Zacatecas B detail of forewing of Amphibolips fusus Kinsey (type) C habitus of Amphibolips cibriani Pujade-Villar (image taken from Pujade-Villar et al. 2018) D forewing of female Amphibolips aliciae Medianero & Nieves-Aldrey E habitus of male Amphibolips castroviejoi Medianero & Nieves-Aldrey F forewing of female Amphibolips castroviejoi G forewing of female of Amphibolips durangensis Nieves-Aldrey & Maldonado H forewing female of Amphibolips michoacaensis Nieves-Aldrey & Pascual I forewing male of Amphibolips michoacaensis.

  Part of: Castillejos-Lemus DE, Oyama K, Nieves-Aldrey JL (2020) Description of three new species of oak gallwasps of the genus Amphibolips Reinhard from Mexico (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae). ZooKeys 987: 81-114.