Key to the morphological structures of adult male diaptomids. A antero-lateral view of posterior end of prosome, urosome and caudal ramus from left side showing with left leg 5 (P5L) attached, illustrating characters A1 to A23 (Table 2) B right fifth leg (P5R), illustrating characters B1–10 (Table 2) C Right geniculate antennule (A1R) illustrating characters C1–11 (Table 2) D Basal part of fifth legs (P5), illustrating characters D1–8 (Table 2) E habitus in dorsal view, illustrating features of body tagmata and caudal rami (Table 2, characters E1–11) F Dorsal view of posterior margin of Ped4, showing row of spinules.

  Part of: Perbiche-Neves G, Boxshall GA, Previattelli D, Nogueira MG, da Rocha CEF (2015) Identification guide to some Diaptomid species (Crustacea, Copepoda, Calanoida, Diaptomidae) of “de la Plata” River Basin (South America). ZooKeys 497: 1-111.