SEM micrographs of Alboculus zhejiangensis (Song & Kim, 1991) comb. nov., male legs A right leg I, prolateral view B same, tarsus, prolateral view C same, tarsal slit sensillum, prolateral view D same, tarsal claw and claw tuft setae, prolateral view E left leg IV, prolateral view F same, metatarsus, white arrow shows the long trichobothrium, prolateral view G same, metatarsus-tarsus joint, prolateral view H same, tarsus, prolateral view I same, tarsal claw and claw tuft setae, prolateral view J right tarsal claw I and claw tuft setae, retrolateral view K left tarsus IV, detail of tarsal organ, dorsal view J left tarsal claw IV and claw tuft setae, dorsal view. Abbreviations: LO – lyriform organ, MTS – metatarsal stopper, TO – tarsal organ.

  Part of: Liu K-K, Luo H-P, Ying Y-H, Xiao Y-X, Xu X, Xiao Y-H (2020) A survey of Phrurolithidae spiders from Jinggang Mountain National Nature Reserve, Jiangxi Province, China. ZooKeys 947: 1-37.