Male terminalia of N. jabalmoussae sp. n., dorsal view (7) and ventral view (8). Scale bar = 0.1 mm. Abbreviations: cerc = cerci; gc = gonocoxite; gc vam = ventroapical margin of gonocoxite; gc vl = ventroapical lobe of gonocoxite; gst db = dorsal branch of gonostylus; gst ib = internal branch of gonostylus; gst mb = medial branch of gonostylus; gst vb = ventral branch of gonostylus; tg 9 = IX tergite.

  Part of: Kurina O, Õunap E, Põldmaa K (2015) Two new Neuratelia Rondani (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) species from Western Palaearctic: a case of limited congruence between morphology and DNA sequence data. ZooKeys 496: 105-129.