Phylogeny of Pholidobolus. Maximum clade credibility tree derived from a partitioned analysis of 1904 bp of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. Bayesian posterior probabilities are shown above branches and bootstrap values (RAxML analysis) below branches; values ≤ 0.5 and 50, respectively, are not shown. For clarity, outgroup taxa and values on short branches are not shown. Species outside the “P. macbrydei” complex are in grey; new species described in this paper are in color matching the distribution records of the map in Figure 7. The species name followed by voucher number and province (“P. macbrydei” complex only) are provided for each terminal. Photographs from top to bottom: P. dolichoderes sp. nov. holotype, P. fascinatus sp. nov. holotype, “P. macbrydei” (Clade B) QCAZ 15824, P. samek sp. nov. holotype, P. condor sp. nov. holotype.