Physical, biological, and human characteristics of the coast of Espírito Santo state, southeast Brazil. Legend: A, B Location of Espírito Santo and Trindade and Martim Vaz Islands C human population density, major ports, isobaths, sea surface chlorophyll-a concentration, estuaries, and bays in the study area. Data sources: (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical et al. 2005, Becker et al. 2009, NASA Earth Observatory 2019).

  Part of: Mayorga LFSP, Vanstreels RET, Bhering RCC, Mamede N, Costa LMB, Pinheiro FCF, Reis LWD, Trazzi A, Meirelles WLC, Ribeiro AM, Siciliano S (2020) Strandings of cetaceans on the Espírito Santo coast, southeast Brazil, 1975–2015. ZooKeys 948: 129-152.