Chilocorellus fistulachaetodontus sp. nov. a dorsal habitus b lateral habitus c frontal habitus d head, ventral e head, ventral f antenna g labrum h left mandible i right mandible j maxilla k labium l prothorax, ventral m mesoventrite and metaventrite n metendosternite o front leg p mid leg q hind leg r male abdomen s female abdomen t tegmen, ventral view u tegmen, lateral view v penis, lateral w apex of penis x female genitalia (ovipositor). Scale bars: 0.5 mm (a–c, m, r–s); 0.2 mm (d–e, l, n–q, t–v); 0.1 mm (f, j–k, x); 0.05 mm (g, h–i, w).

  Part of: Zhang X, Liang X, Chen X, Wang X (2020) Three new species of the genus Chilocorellus Miyatake (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae, Sticholotidini) from the Philippines. ZooKeys 937: 115-127.