Amphicteis hwanghaiensis sp. nov. (holotype) A prostomium, dorsal view B position of branchiae, dorsal view C paleae D thoracic parapodium E limbate capillary notochaeta F abdominal parapodium G thoracic uncinus H abdominal uncinus. Scale bars: 500 µm (A, B, D, F); 250 µm (C); 100 µm (E); 10 µm (G, H).

  Part of: Wang W, Sui J, Li X, Hutchings P, Nogueira JMM (2020) A new species of the genus Amphicteis Grube, 1850 (Annelida, Ampharetidae) from the Yellow Sea, China, together with a redescription of A. dalmatica Hutchings & Rainer, 1979. ZooKeys 988: 1-15.