A epigamic male of Exogone naidina. Anterior end of stolons B acephalous (male, still attached to parental), Haplosyllis spongicola C acerous (male), Trypanosyllis zebra D dicerous (male), Syllis prolifera E dicerous (female, still attached to parental), S. prolifera F tetracerous (male), Syllis pulvinata G tetracerous (female), S. pulvinata H pentacerous (male), Syllis hyalina I pentacerous (female), S. hyalina. All, dorsal view, except H ventral view.

  Part of: San Martín G, Worsfold TM (2015) Guide and keys for the identification of Syllidae (Annelida, Phyllodocida) from the British Isles (reported and expected species). ZooKeys 488: 1-29. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.488.9061