Bayesian inference tree of 13 species of Goniurosaurus, based on the partial DNA sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA and Cytb genes. Hemitheconyx taylori is the outgroup. Numbers before slash indicate Bayesian posterior probabilities (> 0.94 retained) and numbers after slash are bootstrap support for ML (1000 replicates) analyses (> 70 retained). The hyphen represents bootstrap values ≤ 0.94 or ≤ 70.

  Part of: Qi S, Grismer LL, Lyu Z-T, Zhang L, Li P-P, Wang Y-Y (2020) A definition of the Goniurosaurus yingdeensis group (Squamata, Eublepharidae) with the description of a new species. ZooKeys 986: 127-155.