Summary of the biology of chironomids, with special focus on their tube structures. Some taxa without apparent tube structures (F, G) are included to give some accounts of their biology. Rock material-bound type (A–D): A three types of tubes, U-shaped (left), J-shaped (middle), and open-ended (right), built by the mud-dwelling species Chironomus plumosus, redrawn from McLachlan and Cantrell (1976) B larval (left) and pupal (right) tubes of Orthocladius (Euorthocladius) rivulorum, redrawn from Taylor (1903). C Rheotanytarsus rivulorum, redrawn from Walshe (1951) D Rheotanytarsus reissi, encrusted to form tufa, redrawn from Burmeister and Reiss (2003). Tubes on symbiotic animals (E–H): E Eukiefferiella brulini on Ancylus fluviatilis, redrawn from Moubayed-Breil and Ashe (2013) F Symbiocladius sp., an obligate parasite of the heptageniid mayfly Heptagenia lateralis, redrawn from Codreanu (1939) G Tonnoirocladius commensalis (Tonnoir), which is commensal to the larvae of the net-winged midge (Blephariceridae), redrawn from Tonnoir (1922) H silk tube of a Neotropical species of Eukiefferiella phoretically attached to Cryphocricos peruvianus De Carlo (Naucoridae), in which the open-ended tube is made between the meso- and meta-thoracic coxae of the host, redrawn from Roback (1977). Tubes on/within plants, algae, cyanobacteria (I–L): I silk tube made among algae by the marine species Clunio takahashii, shown in copula, redrawn from Hashimoto (1976) J a cone-shaped net constructed in the leaf mine of Endochironomus, redrawn from Walshe (1951) K a tunnel made by Cricotopus nostocicola in a spherical colony of cyanobacteria, Nostoc parmelioides, redrawn from Brock (1960) L a case formed by leaf-rolling on the shoots of Fontinalis mosses by Eukiefferiella endobryonia sp. nov., based on this study. Portable cases (M–P): M a solid tube composed of fine detritus constructed by Stempellinella minor, redrawn from Brundin (1948) N a tubular, firmly constructed case armored with diatoms and rhizopod shells constructed by Zavrelia pentatoma, redrawn from Lauterborn (1905) O a slightly curved, conifer needle case of Micropsectra pharetrophora, redrawn from Fittkau and Reiss (1998) P a laterally flattened purse case with concentric growth strips constructed by Lauterborniella agrayloides, redrawn from Lauterborn (1905).

  Part of: Imada Y (2020) A novel leaf-rolling chironomid, Eukiefferiella endobryonia sp. nov. (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae), highlights the diversity of underwater chironomid tube structures. ZooKeys 906: 73-111.