A Results of PCA analyses, black circles: specimens of Ancyronyx sarawacensis, red triangles: A. clisteri sp. nov. Specimens of A. sarawacensis are assigned to three groups representing samples from different localities B boxplots showing differences in elytral length between A. clisteri sp. nov. and three groups of A. sarawacensis C Boxplots showing differences of ratio elytral length / interocular distance between A. clisteri sp. nov. and three groups of A. sarawacensis. Abbreviations: Low: lowlands of Sarawak, Sab: uplands of Sabah, Kel: Kelabit Highlands, Cli: A. clisteri sp. nov.

  Part of: Kodada J, Jäch MA, Freitag H, Čiamporová-Zaťovičová Z, Goffová K, Selnekovič D, Čiampor Jr F (2020) Ancyronyx clisteri, a new spider riffle beetle species from Borneo, redescription of A. sarawacensis Jäch including a description of the larva and new distribution data for A. procerus Jäch using DNA barcodes (Coleoptera, Elmidae). ZooKeys 912: 25-64. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.912.47796