Schematic drawings contrasting the morphology of pars distalis (Pd) of male genitalia in different representatives of the Epedanidae 130, 131 Epedanellus tuberculatus Roewer, 1911 (arrow indicates the cross-section of ventral plate at the marked point, adapted from Suzuki, 1973) 130 ventral view 131 lateral view 132, 133 Lobonychium palpiplus Roewer, 1938 (arrow indicates the cross-section of ventral plateat the marked point, adapted from Zhang & Martens, 2018) 132 dorsal view 133, 134 lateral view 135a, b cross-section through ventral plate and glans at the marked point 136, 137, 140, 141 Plistobunus jaegeri sp. nov. 136 lateral view 137 cross-section through ventral plate and glans at the marked point 138, 139 Toccolus globitarsis Suzuki, 1969 138 lateral view 139a, b expanded, lateral view (arrow indicates the movement of capsula interna in 139b) 140 lateral view 141a, b expanded, lateral view (arrow indicates the movement of capsula interna and capsula externa in 141b).

  Part of: Zhang C, Martens J (2020) A taxonomic study on Epedanidae from Thailand including functional aspects of male genital morphology (Opiliones, Laniatores). ZooKeys 915: 25-58.