Dentary fragments of Spinosaurus aegyptiacus from the Kem Kem Group. Anterior section of the left dentary (NMC 50833) in (A) left lateral, (B) medial, (C) dorsal, (D) ventral, (E) anterior and (F) posterior view. Symphyseal end of the right dentary (NMC 50832) in (G) lateral, (H) medial, (I) dorsal, (J) ventral, (K) anterior and (L) posterior view. Scale bar equals 10 cm. Abbreviations: ad1 3 alveolus for dentary tooth 1, 3 dl dental lamina Mc Meckel’s canal t tooth.

  Part of: Ibrahim N, Sereno PC, Varricchio DJ, Martill DM, Dutheil DB, Unwin DM, Baidder L, Larsson HCE, Zouhri S, Kaoukaya A (2020) Geology and paleontology of the Upper Cretaceous Kem Kem Group of eastern Morocco. ZooKeys 928: 1-216.