Abelisaurid maxillae from Madagascar and Niger. A Left maxilla of Majungasaurus crenatissimus (FMNH PR 2100, cast) in lateral view B Left maxilla of Kryptops palaios (MNN GAD1) C Reconstructed skull of Rugops primus (modified from Sereno et al. 2004) with maxilla in gray. D, E Left maxilla of Rugops primus (MNN IGU1) in lateral and medial view. Scale bar equals 10 cm in A, B, D and E.

  Part of: Ibrahim N, Sereno PC, Varricchio DJ, Martill DM, Dutheil DB, Unwin DM, Baidder L, Larsson HCE, Zouhri S, Kaoukaya A (2020) Geology and paleontology of the Upper Cretaceous Kem Kem Group of eastern Morocco. ZooKeys 928: 1-216. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.928.47517