Radomir Jaskuła, Mateusz Płóciennik, Axel Schwerk (2019)
From climate zone to microhabitat—environmental factors affecting the coastal distribution of tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) in the south-eastern European biodiversity hotspot.
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Radomir Jaskuła, Mateusz Płóciennik (2020)
Water Is Needed to Exist: Habitat Preferences of Tiger Beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) in a Desert Country.
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Alberto Sánchez-Vialas, Estefany Karen López-Estrada, José L. Ruiz, Mario García-París (2024)
Taxonomy of West-Palaearctic Lampromeloe (Coleoptera: Meloidae) with the description of a new species.
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Radomir Jaskuła, Tomasz Rewicz, Mateusz Płóciennik, Michał Grabowski (2016)
Pleistocene phylogeography and cryptic diversity of a tiger beetle,Calomera littoralis, in North-Eastern Mediterranean and Pontic regions inferred from mitochondrial COI gene sequences.
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Species Composition and Ecological Distribution of the Subfamily Cicindelinae Latreille, 1801 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Based on Voucher Specimens in Sarawak.
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Jalanie S. Marohomsalic, Olga Macas Nuñeza, Marek Michalski, Jürgen Wiesner, Radomir Jaskuła (2021)
Alien and native tree species having extrafloral nectaries as favorite hunting area for arboreal endemic Philippine tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) in human‐disturbed habitat in Lanao del Sur Province, Mindanao, Philippines.
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Radomir Jaskuła, Axel Schwerk, Mateusz Płóciennik (2021)
Morphological variability in Lophyra flexuosa (Fabricius, 1787) (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae) in desert countries is affected by sexual dimorphism and geographic aspect.
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Majida El Alami, Laurent Vuataz, Sara El Yaagoubi, Michel Sartori (2023)
Another new species of the genus Habrophlebia Eaton, 1881 (Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae) from the Maghreb.
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Settlement of Beetles of the Wetland of Sidi Moussa-Oualidia.
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Dale Ann Acal, Anna Sulikowska-Drozd, Radomir Jaskuła (2024)
Filling the gaps in ecology of tropical tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae): first quantitative data of sexual dimorphism in semi-arboreal Therates from the Philippine biodiversity hotspot.
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Radomir Jaskuła, Jürgen Wiesner (2015)
Discovery ofMyriochila(Monelica)Dorsata(Brullé, 1834) (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) in Mali and Niger, with a Checklist of the Tiger Beetles Known to Occur in These Countries.
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Tomasz Rewicz, Radomir Jaskuła (2018)
Catch fast and kill quickly: do tiger beetles use the same strategies when hunting different types of prey?.
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David L. Pearson, Jürgen Wiesner (2023)
The use of tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) in adapting hotspot conservation to global, regional, and local scales.
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Dale Ann P. Acal, Jürgen Wiesner, Olga M. Nuñeza, Radomir Jaskuła (2021)
Tiger beetles (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae) of Northern Mindanao region (Philippines): checklist, distributional maps, and habitats.
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Majida El Alami, Sara El Yaagoubi, Jean-Luc Gattolliat, Michel Sartori, Mohamed Dakki (2022)
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Tiger Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) of Tunisia: Distribution, Phenology, Taxa List and New Records.
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Paula Rodriguez-Flores, Jorge Gutierrez-Rodriguez, Ernesto Aguirre, Mario Garcia-Paris (2016)
Salt lakes of La Mancha (Central Spain): A hot spot for tiger beetle (Carabidae, Cicindelinae) species diversity.
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Sara El Yaagoubi, Laurent Vuataz, Majida El Alami, Jean-Luc Gattolliat (2023)
A new species of the Baetis fuscatus group (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) from Morocco.
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