Habituses of A Physetoparia complexa sp. nov., ♂ holotype, lateral view B, C Bactrodesmus grandis sp. nov., ♂ paratype, lateral view of entire animal and its anterior body half, ventral view D Hemisphaeroparia parvula (Porat, 1894), both ♀ syntypes, lateral, subventral or sublateral view E Hemisphaeroparia longibrachiata sp. nov., ♂ holotype, dorsal view F Hemisphaeroparia avis sp. nov., ♂ paratype, lateral view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

  Part of: Golovatch SI, Nzoko Fiemapong AR, VandenSpiegel D (2019) Trichopolydesmidae from Cameroon, 2: A species-level reclassification of Afrotropical trichopolydesmids (Diplopoda, Polydesmida), with two new species and two new records from Cameroon, and two new species from the Nimba Mountains, Guinea. ZooKeys 891: 31-59. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.891.46986