Solenysa mellotteei. A male palp, retrolateral B ditto, ventral C anterior part of male abdomen, ventral, shows epiandrous fusules absent and smooth book lung cover D female palp, shows tarsus claw absent E male chelicera, ectal, shows stridulatory striae F female chelicerae. ATA anterior terminal apophysis; DSA distal suprategular apophysis; E embolus; LC lamella characteristica; LC1 anterior LC branch; LC2 median LC branch; LC3 posterior LC branch; MTA median terminal apophysis; P paracymbium; PBP probasal cymbial process; PTA posterior terminal apophysis; PTP proximal tibial process; RLP cymbial retrolateral process; STT Solenysa tegular triangle; T tegulum. [Scale bars: mm]

  Part of: Wang F, Ono H, Tu L (2015) A review of Solenysa spiders from Japan (Araneae, Linyphiidae), with a comment on the type species S. mellotteei Simon, 1894. ZooKeys 481: 39-56.