Habitus photographs of the species hereby excluded from Machleida. A Syntype of Pseudomachla recurva Wilke, 1925 synonym of Afrasida (Archasida) lecta (Peringuey, 1899) comb. nov. B holotype of Scotinesthes nossibianus (Fairmaire, 1897) comb. nov. C holotype of tuberosa Wilke, 1925 (incertae sedis).

  Part of: Kamiński MJ, Kanda K, Smith AD (2019) Taxonomic revision of the genus Machleida Fåhraeus, 1870 (Tenebrionidae, Pimeliinae, Asidini). ZooKeys 898: 831-102. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.898.46465