Ankylopteryx (A.) delicatula Banks (Yunnan, Jinghong, sex unknown, CAU). 10 head, frontal 11 head, dorsal 12 thorax, dorsal 13 protibia and mesotibia 14 forewing and hind wing. Veins (black lettering): C Costa Sc Subcosta R Radius Rs Radial sector Psc Pseudocubitus Psm Pseudomedia. Cells (red lettering): b1, b4 first, fourth upper Banksian cells b'1, b'4 first, fourth lower Banksian cells r1, r9, r11 first, ninth, eleventh radial cell.

  Part of: Ma Y, Yang X, Liu X (2020) Notes on the green lacewing subgenus Ankylopteryx Brauer, 1864 (s. str.) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) from China, with description of a new species. ZooKeys 906: 41-71.