José M. Rezende, Antonio C. Lofego, Ronald Ochoa (2017)
Redescription of Suctarsonemus litteratus (Mahunka, 1973) (Prostigmata: Tarsonemidae).
International Journal of Acarology43: 582.
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José M. Rezende, Ronald Ochoa, Antonio C. Lofego (2015)
Ten new species ofDaidalotarsonemus(Prostigmata: Tarsonemidae) from Costa Rica.
International Journal of Acarology41: 449.
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André Silva Guimarães Sousa, José Marcos Rezende, Antonio Carlos Lofego, Ronald Ochoa, Anibal Ramadan Oliveira (2018)
DaidalotarsonemusandExcelsotarsonemusspecies (Acari: Tarsonemidae) found in shaded cacao plantations in Brazil, with a description of a new species.
International Journal of Acarology44: 68.
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Priyankar Mondal, Krishna Karmakar (2022)
A new species of Daidalotarsonemus from Eastern India with re-description of D. duolamella Lin, Chen & Zhang, 1998 (Acari: Tarsonemidae) and keys to the Oriental species.
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Systematic mapping of global research on arthropods associated with cacao agroecosystem: trends and gaps.
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Antonella Di Palma, Elliot W. Kitajima, Antonio C. Lofego (2021)
The extravagantly modified dorsal setae of Daidalotarsonemus oliveirai and Excelsotarsonemus caravelis (Acari: Prostigmata: Tarsonemidae) females: Ultrastructure and functional implications.
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Anna Skoracka, Sara Magalhães, Brian G. Rector, Lechosław Kuczyński (2015)
Cryptic speciation in the Acari: a function of species lifestyles or our ability to separate species?.
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Jason C. Sumner-Kalkun, Ian Baxter, M. Alejandra Perotti (2020)
Microscopic analysis of the microbiota of three commercial Phytoseiidae species (Acari: Mesostigmata).
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Review of the genus Daidalotarsonemus De Leon (Acari: Prostigmata: Tarsonemidae).
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Priscila de Andrade Rode, Júlia Jantsch Ferla, Gabriel Lima Bizarro, Matheus Schussler, Noeli Juarez Ferla (2024)
Mite fauna (Acari) associated with apple orchards (Malus domestica) and spontaneous vegetation as reservoir for predatory mites.
Biota Neotropica24: .
DOI: 10.1590/1676-0611-bn-2023-1602
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