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Scott Escobar-Suárez, Wilson Huanca-Mamani, Héctor A. Vargas (2017)
Genetic divergence of a newly documented population of the cecidogenous micromoth Eugnosta azapaensis Vargas & Moreira (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile.
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Natalia Kirichenko, Paolo Triberti, Shigeki Kobayashi, Toshiya Hirowatari, Camiel Doorenweerd, Issei Ohshima, Guo-Hua Huang, Min Wang, Emmanuelle Magnoux, Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde (2018)
Systematics of Phyllocnistis leaf-mining moths (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) feeding on dogwood (Cornus spp.) in Northeast Asia, with the description of three new species.
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Correlation between the green‐island phenotype and Wolbachia infections during the evolutionary diversification of Gracillariidae leaf‐mining moths.
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Natalia Kirichenko, Paolo Triberti, Issei Ohshima, Julien Haran, Bong-Kyu Byun, Houhun Li, Sylvie Augustin, Alain Roques, Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde, Tzen-Yuh Chiang (2017)
From east to west across the Palearctic: Phylogeography of the invasive lime leaf miner Phyllonorycter issikii (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) and discovery of a putative new cryptic species in East Asia.
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Genetic divergence of isolated populations of the native micromoth
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Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde, Natalia Kirichenko, Alain Cama, Camiel Doorenweerd, H. Charles J. Godfray, Antoine Guiguet, Stanislav Gomboc, Peter Huemer, Jean-François Landry, Ales Laštůvka, Zdenek Laštůvka, Kyung Min Lee, David C. Lees, Marko Mutanen, Erik J. van Nieukerken, Andreas H. Segerer, Paolo Triberti, Christian Wieser, Rodolphe Rougerie (2021)
Evaluating DNA Barcoding for Species Identification and Discovery in European Gracillariid Moths.
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N. I. Kirichenko, V. M. Petko, E. Magnoux, C. Lopez-Vaamonde (2017)
Diversity and distribution of leaf mining insects on birches (Betula spp.) in Siberia.
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Natalia Kirichenko, Paolo Triberti, Marko Mutanen, Emmanuelle Magnoux, Jean-François Landry, Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde (2016)
Systematics and biology of some species of Micrurapteryx Spuler (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) from the Holarctic Region, with re-description of M. caraganella (Hering) from Siberia.
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A new species of Leurocephala Davis & Mc Kay (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) from the Azapa Valley, northern Chilean Atacama Desert, with notes on life-history.
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An Overview of Gracillariidae Leaf Mining Moths in Slovenia with New Records for the Country.
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A new genus and species of leaf-mining moth from the French Alps, Mercantouria neli gen. n., sp. n. (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae).
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Marko Mutanen, Sami M. Kivelä, Rutger A. Vos, Camiel Doorenweerd, Sujeevan Ratnasingham, Axel Hausmann, Peter Huemer, Vlad Dincă, Erik J. van Nieukerken, Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde, Roger Vila, Leif Aarvik, Thibaud Decaëns, Konstantin A. Efetov, Paul D. N. Hebert, Arild Johnsen, Ole Karsholt, Mikko Pentinsaari, Rodolphe Rougerie, Andreas Segerer, Gerhard Tarmann, Reza Zahiri, H. Charles J. Godfray (2016)
Species-Level Para- and Polyphyly in DNA Barcode Gene Trees: Strong Operational Bias in European Lepidoptera.
Systematic Biology65: 1024.
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