Parietal (A, C, E, G, H, J, L, M, O, Q, S, U, W, X) and palatal (B, D, F, I, K, N, P, R, T, V, Y) plicae and lamellae of Gudeodiscus and Halongella gen. n. species. A–GGudeodiscus (Gudeodiscus) dautzenbergi (Gude, 1901) A–B Plectopylis dautzenbergi (after Gude 1901a) C–D Plectopylis persimilis Gude, 1901 (after Gude 1901a) E–F Vn10-44, G Vn10-44 H–N Halongella schlumbergeri (Morlet, 1886) H–I Plectopylis jovia (after Gude 1901b) J–K Plectopylis schlumbergeri (after Gude 1901b) L MNHN-IM-2012-2481 M–N holotype of Plectopylis hirsuta Möllendorff, 1901 (after Gude 1901c) O–R H. fruhstorferi (Möllendorff, 1901) O–P after Gude (1901c) Q–R Vn11-171 S–YG. (G. ?) suprafilaris (Gude, 1908) S–T after Gude (1908) U–V 2011/81, spec.1. W 2011/81, spec.2. X–Y Vn10-125. Inner views: B, D, F, I, K, N, P, T; Outer views: R, V, Y.