Orthotemnus longitarsus SEM photographs. 12 antenna 13 ♂ abdominal tergites 14 enlargement of portions of tergites 5 and 6 showing spiculate patches 15 enlargement of tergite 7 showing rows of plectra 16 enlargement of plectra on tergite 7 17 ♂ abdominal venter 18 enlargement of apical portion of ventrite 5.

  Part of: Omar YM, Zhang R, Davis SR (2015) A new species of the genus Orthotemnus Wollaston, 1873 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Cossoninae) from China. ZooKeys 472: 103-116. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.472.8033