Machadocepheus rachii sp. n., adult female. SEM observations. 64 leg II, antiaxial view (1) 65 solenidion φ and dorsal setae of Tibia II (1) 66 solenidion σ and dorsal seta of genu II (1) 67 leg I, antiaxial view (1) 68 solenidion φ2 and dorsal setae of Tibia II (1) 69 leg IV, antiaxial view(1) 70 leg III antiaxial view (1) 71 femoral groove, femur leg III (2) 72 apical zone, tarsus III (1). Abbreviations: see “Material and methods”. Scale bars: 64, 67, 69, 70 = 50 μm; 65, 66, 71 = 10 μm; 68 = 20 μm, 72 = 2 μm.

  Part of: Fernandez N, Theron P, Rollard C, Leiva S (2014) The family Carabodidae (Acari, Oribatida) VIII. The genus Machadocepheus (first part) Machadocepheus leoneae sp. n. and Machadocepheus rachii sp. n. from Gabon. ZooKeys 456: 1-28.