Haploid chromosomes and genital cells of Radopholus similis stained with DAPI Haploid chromosomes. A RsB population B RsL population C RsN population D RsY population; Genital cells E Female stained with DAPI F Male stained with DAPI G Female Non-stained with DAPI H Male non-stained with DAPI Arrows Arrow a: Cap cell; Arrow b: Somatic cells; Arrow c: Germinal zone; Arrow d: growth zone; Arrow e: spermatheca; Arrow f: testis; Arrow g: seminal vesicle.

  Part of: Xu C, Li Y, Xie H, Huang X, Wu W, Yu L, Wang D (2014) Morphological and karyotypic differences within and among populations of Radopholus similis. ZooKeys 444: 69-93. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.444.8186