Dan Hending, Marc Holderied, Grainne McCabe (2017)
The use of Vocalizations of the Sambirano Mouse Lemur (Microcebus sambiranensis) in an Acoustic Survey of Habitat Preference.
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Carl R. Hutter, Shea M. Lambert, Zo F. Andriampenomanana, Frank Glaw, Miguel Vences (2018)
Molecular phylogeny and diversification of Malagasy bright-eyed tree frogs (Mantellidae: Boophis).
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Three new species of Arthroleptella Hewitt, 1926 (Anura: Pyxicephalidae) from the Cape Fold Mountains, South Africa.
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Robin Kurian Abraham, Carl Richard Hutter (2022)
New records and a notable observation of potentially predator-avoiding amplectic behaviour in Boophis erythrodactylus from Madagascar.
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Daniel Hending, Heriniaina Randrianarison, Niaina Nirina Mahefa Andriamavosoloarisoa, Christina Ranohatra-Hending, Grainne McCabe, Sam Cotton, Marc Holderied, Andrea Fuller (2024)
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