Reproductive system, Onchidium melakense A, B Peninsular Malaysia, holotype [5979] (USMMC 00075) C Sumatra, [1723] (UMIZ 00001) A posterior, hermaphroditic, reproductive parts B anterior, male, copulatory parts C anterior, male, copulatory parts. Abbreviations: ag accessory penial gland, arm anterior penial retractor muscle, dd deferent duct, fgm female gland mass, hg hermaphroditic gland, ov oviduct, ps penial sheath, rm penial retractor muscle, rs receptaculum seminis, sp spermatheca, v vestibule. Scale bars: 4 mm (A), 5 mm (B), 2 mm (C).

  Part of: Dayrat B, Goulding TC, Khalil M, Apte D, Tan SH (2019) A new species and new records of Onchidium slugs (Gastropoda, Euthyneura, Pulmonata, Onchidiidae) in South-East Asia. ZooKeys 892: 27-57.