Lapsias tovarensis lectotype male (41–47) and female tentatively considered of this species (48–51). 41–43 Palp 41 ventral view 42 retrolateral view of tibia 43 ventral view 44 body from above 45 body from below 46 face 47 chelicerae from below 48 epigyne from below 49 vulva from above 50 female body from above 51 body from below. Abbreviations: c? sclerite homologous to that called the conductor in other lapsiines. Scale bars: 0.1 mm (41); 1.0 mm (otherwise).

  Part of: Maddison WP (2019) A new lapsiine jumping spider from North America, with a review of Simon’s Lapsias species (Araneae, Salticidae, Spartaeinae). ZooKeys 891: 17-29.