Lapsias cyrboides lectotype male (30–34, 36), paralectotype male (35), and female tentatively considered of this species (37–40). 30–32 Palp 30 ventral view 31 retrolateral view of tibia 32 ventral view 33 body from above 34 body from below 35 paralectotype male body from above 36 lectotype male face 37 epigyne from below 38 vulva from above 39 female body from above 40 body from below. Scale bars: 0.1 mm (30); 1.0 mm (otherwise).

  Part of: Maddison WP (2019) A new lapsiine jumping spider from North America, with a review of Simon’s Lapsias species (Araneae, Salticidae, Spartaeinae). ZooKeys 891: 17-29.