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Addressing Threats and Ecosystem Intactness to Enable Action for Extinct in the Wild Species.
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New records on the distribution of the Mexclapique, Girardinichthys viviparus (Bustamante, 1837) (Cyprinodontiformes, Goodeidae), an endangered species in Mexico.
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A theory of change to reverse the current Mexican freshwater fish extinction crisis.
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Genetic differentiation among populations of the blackfin goodea Goodea atripinnis (Cyprinodontiformes: Goodeidae): implications for its evolutionary history.
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Ivette Marai Villa-Villaseñor, Beatriz Yáñez-Rivera, Rebeca Aneli Rueda-Jasso, Ma. Antonia Herrera-Vargas, Rubén Hernández-Morales, Esperanza Meléndez-Herrera, Omar Domínguez-Domínguez (2022)
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Rosa Gabriela Beltrán-López, Ana Berenice García-Andrade, C. Patricia Ornelas-García (2023)
Mexican Fauna in the Anthropocene.
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Kenneth Francis Rodrigues, Helena Biun, Wilson Thau Lym Yong, Grace Joy Wei Lie Chin, Fui Fui Ching, Rafidah Othman (2023)
Marine Biotechnology: Applications in Food, Drugs and Energy.
Chapter 4: 73.
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