Present day distribution of Onthophagus humboldti sp. nov. (blue dot) and O. micropterus (red dot) and lines indicating proposed localities (rhombi) depressed by 1500 m (14 km in straight line) generated by the last glacial maximum, ~25–23 ka, in the Cordillera de Talamanca. All mountain systems are 150 m lower than present day height and an estimated sea level descent of 120 m is depicted. Dotted black lines represent present-day sea levels.

  Part of: Kohlmann B, Solís Á, Alvarado G (2019) Description of Onthophagus humboldti and Uroxys bonplandi, two new scarab beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae) from Costa Rica, with notes on tropical mountain brachyptery and endemicity. ZooKeys 881: 23-51.