Neotarsina andina gen. et sp. nov. (Peru). A Female habitus in lateral view B male abdomen in dorsal view C female abdomen in dorsal view D, E male head in lateral view (D) and frontal view (E) F, G female head in lateral view (F) and frontal view (G) H female fore tibia and tarsus I male wing in dorsal view J–L epandrial complex in posterior view (J) and lateral view (K) L hypandrial complex in lateral view [B, D–E, I–L holotype; A, C, F, G paratype].

  Part of: Cerretti P, Badano D, Gisondi S, Lo Giudice G, Pape T (2020) The world woodlouse flies (Diptera, Rhinophoridae). ZooKeys 903: 1-130.