SEM images of diagnostic characters. A, B Polleniidae A Morinia carinata ♂ (South Africa) [paratype], detail of head in anterodorsal view B Morinia carinata ♂ (South Africa) [paratype], thorax in dorsolateral view [colour coding as E–G] C–N Rhinophoridae C Phyto adolescens ♂ (Italy), detail of head in anterodorsal view D Melanophora chia ♂ (Italy), detail of anterior part of head in lateral view E–G thorax in dorsolateral view [B, E–G colour coding: red = first postsutural supra-alar seta; yellow = second postsutural supra-alar seta; blue = third postsutural supra-alar seta; green = posterior notopleural seta] E Parazamimus congolensis ♀ (Burundi) F Queximyia flavipes ♂ (South Africa) G Rhinomorinia sarcophagina ♂ (Italy) H–J metathoracic spiracle [colour coding: green = anterior lappet; red = posterior lappet] H Baniassa fascipennis ♀ (Israel) I Rhinomorinia sp. ♀ (South Africa) J Melanophora basilewskyi ♀ (Kenya) K–N Axinia spp. (Australia), female oviscapt K, L Axinia zentae in lateral view (K) and posterior view (L) M, N Axinia sp. in lateral view (M) and posterior view (N).

  Part of: Cerretti P, Badano D, Gisondi S, Lo Giudice G, Pape T (2020) The world woodlouse flies (Diptera, Rhinophoridae). ZooKeys 903: 1-130.