SEM illustrations of structural features of legs of Pelodiaetus sulcatipennis, ventral aspects. A left protarsus and protibia B right mesotibia C left metatibia. Abbreviations: ac – antenna cleaner; as – adhesive setae; asp – anterior spur; asr – anterior setal row; cls – clip seta; msb – mesotibial brush; msms – mesotibial modified seta; mtb – metatibial brush; mtms – metatibial modified seta; mts – metatibial spur; psp – posterior spur; psr – posterior setal row; sb – setal band; ta1–ta2 – tarsomeres 1–2. Scale bars: 0.05 mm.

  Part of: Sokolov IM (2019) A review of the genus Pelodiaetus Jeannel (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Anillini) of New Zealand, with re-description of the genus, description of a new species and notes on the evolutionary history. ZooKeys 879: 33-56.