Dorsal habitus of Peradon species (bidens group) 112 P. satyricus ♂ holotype 113 P. sciarus ♂ holotype 114 P. bidens typical variation ♀ (holotype M. flavomarginatum Curran) 115 P. bidens typical morph ♂ Suriname RMNH 116 P. bidens morph langi ♂ Suriname RMNH 117 P. costaricensis ♂ paratype 118 P. costaricensis ♀ paratype. Scale bar: 10 mm.

  Part of: Reemer M, Skevington JH, Kelso S (2019) Revision of the Neotropical hoverfly genus Peradon Reemer (Diptera, Syrphidae, Microdontinae). ZooKeys 896: 1-93.