Burmanopetalum inexpectatum gen. nov. et sp. nov., female holotype (ZFMK-MYR07366), volume rendering A habitus B head, collum and pleurotergite 2, lateral view C head, anterior view D Gnathochilarium, ventral view E midbody body ring, dorsoposterior view F telson, and the last 3 pleurotergites, lateral view G same, ventral view. Abbreviation: I–VII = antennomere; br# = body ring number #; ca = mandibular cardo; co = collum; d = division of paraproct; em = eumentum; ep = epiproct; gs = gnathochilarium stipes; gu = gula; hp = hypoproct; lab = labrum; LL = lamella lingualis; L# = leg number #; ms = median suture; mz = metazonite; om = ommatidia; pm = promentum; pp = paraproct; pz = prozonite; sti = mandibular stipes; to = Tömösváry organ. Scale bars: 200 µm (A), 100 µm (B–F).

  Part of: Stoev P, Moritz L, Wesener T (2019) Dwarfs under dinosaur legs: a new millipede of the order Callipodida (Diplopoda) from Cretaceous amber of Burma. ZooKeys 841: 79-96. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.841.34991