Burmanopetalum inexpectatum gen. nov. et sp. nov., female holotype (ZFMK-MYR07366) A habitus B head, anterior-most body rings and vulvae, anterior view C antennae, lateral view D pleurotergal crests ornamentation, lateral view E telson, lateral view F legs, dorsolateral view G apical part of vulva, lateral view H basal part of vulva, lateral view. Abbreviations: I–VII = antennomeres I–VII; br# = body ring number #; ca = mandibular cardo; cl = claw; co = collum; cx = coxa; d = division of paraproct; ep = epiproct; fe = femur; hd = head; hp = hypoproct; il = incisura lateralis; L# = leg number #; lab = labrum; mz = metazonite; om = ommatidia; oz = ozopore; pof = postfemur; pp = paraproct; prf = prefemur; pz = prozonite; sc = sensory cones; sp = spinnerets; st = stria; sti = mandibular stipes; ta I = tarsus I, ta II = tarsus II; ti = tibia; to = Tömösváry organ; tr = trochanter; vu = vulva; * = reddish circles of the basal part of vulvae. Scale bars: 500 µm (A), 100 µm (B–G).