Phyllodrepa icari sp. nov. 67 head and pronotum, anterodorsal view 68 left antenna, dorsal view 69 hind legs and abdomen, ventral view 70 left elytron, dorsal view 71 apex of abdomen, dorsal view 72 apex of abdomen, ventral view. Abbreviations: a1–a11 = antennomeres 1–11; bws = brick-wall sculpture on intersegmental membranes; gc = gonocoxite; lb = labrum; lp = labial palpi; mp2–mp4 = maxillary palpomeres 2–4; mt5 = metatarsomere 5; mtf = metafemur; mtt = metatibia; mtc = metacoxa; mtv = metaventrite; nk = neck; oc = ocellus; s3–s6 = sternites III–VI; sc = scutellum; st = stylus; t6–t8 = tergites VI–VIII. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.