Viscerocranium of Barryichthys hutchinsi, WAM P.34510-001, paratype, 15.5 mm SL A hyopalatine arch and opercular series, right side in lateral view (image reversed) B lower gill-arch elements in dorsal view, gill filaments removed C upper gill-arch elements in ventral view D hyoid bar, right side in medial view and urohyal. Abbreviations: ACh, anterior ceratohyal; Ana, anguloarticular; Apa, autopalatine; Bh, basihyal; BrR, branchiostegal rays; Cb1-5, ceratobranchial 1–5; DHh, dorsal hypohyal; Dn, dentary; EB1–4, epibranchials 1–4; EB3+4, compound element comprising EB3 and EB4; Ect, ectopterygoid; GR, gill raker; Hy, hyomandibular; Iop, interopercle; Mx, maxilla; Op, opercle; Pb3TP, pharyngobranchial 3 toothplate; Pop, preopercle; Q, quadrate; Sop, subopercle; Sym, symplectic; Uh, urohyal.